We look forward to working with you to achieve optimum health and wellbeing through our variety of services.
Scroll down to view all services JAB provides.
Initial Visit consists of Individual Diagnosis
Duration is 60 minutes and can include cupping acupuncture and heat therapy specially designed to your needs.
Follow Up Visits
Duration is 50 minutes and can include; cupping, acupuncture and health therapy.
Private health care rebate approved
Duration is 30 minutes.
Service consists of cupping alone and is only available after initial visit.
Duration is 30 minutes.
Service consists of acupuncture alone and is only available after initial visit.
Pregnancy Induction
Duration is 45 minutes.
Service consists of acupuncture and electro therapy to encourage labour.
Follow Us
Opening Hours
Mon-Fri: 9 AM - 5 PM
Sat: 9 AM - 2 PM
0438 789 653
Registered Member Of

Suite 2/360 Cross Rd,
Clarence Park SA. 5034